20 Sept 2024
A continued focus on the reporting of accidents and ‘near misses’ will be key to future advances in light rail safety, sector leaders have heard this week.
The evolution of a sector-wide reporting system has already delivered a major boost for light rail safety and is driving the work of the organisation responsible for reducing risk on UK systems.
During a high-profile event this week, the Chief Executive of the Light Rail Safety and Standards Board highlighted the success of the Tram Accident and Incident Reporting System and how it is driving practical mitigation measures.
“By establishing a common language for incident reporting and enhancing a system to collect data from operators, we have been able to take risk modelling to the next level,” Carl Williams explained.
“This work has clearly identified collisions with pedestrians as the most immediate threat, prompting a national campaign that’s helping operators to remind people to be aware of their surroundings when close to tram tracks.”
During the Light Rail Summit in Birmingham yesterday (September 19), delegates also received updates on ambitious projects led by senior members of the LRSSB team.
In addition to providing insight into the latest updates to TAIR, Mark Ashmore, Head of Safety and Assurance, outlined efforts to tackle threats to digital security and highlighted workshops to support the development of ‘bowtie’ risk assessments.
The Safety Risk Model was put under the spotlight by Laura Reardon, Head of Safety Risk Management, who also explained how a new Safety Hub would make it even easier to access core LRSSB products and services.
The summit also heard from Craig O’Brien, Head of Engineering Safety and Innovation, who explained that the LRSSB was also securing funding for a host of innovative research projects while continuing to publish updates to wide-raging standards and guidance documents.
“Organised by UK tram in partnership with the LRSSB, the summit provided an ideal opportunity to showcase the breadth of support we provide and our value to the sector,” Carl added.
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Light Rail Safety and Standards Board is committed to further improving safety in the light rail industry.