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RIDDOR guidance updated

Jane Cole_cropped_edited.jpg

21 Sept 2022

Supplementary guidance on the statutory Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) has been published by the organisation responsible for driving light rail safety.

The comprehensive document is available to download from the Light Rail Safety and Standards Board online reference library here.

It sets out the statutory duties of operators and staff delegated to be a responsible person in responding to dangerous occurrences, injuries, fatalities, accidents, collisions, occupational diseases and more.

Mark Ashmore, LRSSB Head of Safety Assurance, explained: “This is obviously a crucial  area in terms of safety and it includes not only what incidents must be reported, but also the time-scales that must apply and the relevant recipient body for the reporting.

“The guide provides a summary of the areas where operators must comply with the RIDDOR 2013 Regulations, with particular regard to the requirements of the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) as the relevant enforcing authority for Light Rail systems.”

RIDDOR requires all light rail systems to report deaths, certain serious workplace accidents and dangerous near-misses. The regulations apply to both workers and to non-workers, such as members of the public, in the case of a work-related accident.

“Accidents to the public are included in reporting when they occur on a Light Rail system’s premises or were caused by the LR operation and result in death of injuries needing hospital treatment,” Mark said.

“The function of these reports is to alert the ORR to individual incidents but also to provide data relating to risks and whether they need to be investigated. They are also instrumental in identifying trends.”

The guidance also makes clear incidents which are not reportable – such as suicides or attempted suicides and death by natural causes.

“Recording is a legal requirement and the information collected is a vital management tool as to enables the responsible person to ensure that what they are doing is sufficient to ensure safety and prevent dangerous occurrences,” Mark added.

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