20 Nov 2020
Two working groups have been set up to establish new standards covering track alignment design, and switches and crossings for urban rail systems.
Two working groups have been set up to establish new standards covering track alignment design, and switches and crossings for urban rail systems.
Supported by the Light Rail Safety and Standards Board, and led by BSI, the groups are part of the ongoing work being done to develop British and Europe-wide standards and guidance.
A CEN draft document of the track alignment standard, which includes vignole and grooved rail systems, has already been completed and is currently awaiting final comments ahead of the publication of the full working standard.
Craig O’Brien, Engineering Manager for UKTram and industry representative for LRSSB, explained: “This is a significant step forward and represents a huge body of work which has gone into creating this new standard.
“The Switches and Crossings standard has also been viewed as a priority for LRSSB and, in response to this, a new group was created with a strong UK representation.
“A delegate from the LRSSB chairs the group and the organisation also provides administrative support, while colleagues from Germany, Czech Republic, Austria and France have contributed to the four meetings that have already taken place.”
A full review of the current standard has already been conducted and information is being shared on the numerous existing switches and crossing systems currently in operation across Europe.
“The group will shortly be moving towards proposing a formal CEN work item which may result in an initial technical report being drafted to highlight the gaps in the current Rail standard,” Craig said.
“Work will continue in both areas with meetings already scheduled for 2021,” he added.
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