3 Nov 2021
A key component of the LRSSB’s operating structure is to be renamed alongside an update of its membership and objectives.
A key component of the LRSSB’s operating structure is to be renamed alongside an update of its membership and objectives.
At a meeting of the organisation’s Duty Holders Group, members agreed to change its name to the LRSSB Executive as part of a wider review of its terms of reference.
Carl Williams, LRSSB Chief Executive, explained: “Under the revised terms of reference, the Executive will provide an effective forum for senior representatives from owner and operator organisations to receive formal strategic updates on ongoing and future activities.
“These detailed briefings will sit alongside more general updates provided to the wider LRSSB membership through our website, eshots and newsletters. This will provide a more formal structure and bring the LRSSB more into line with UKTram.”
The meeting also heard that the organisation was preparing to work with the Office of Rail and Road on a review of its work to date while Mr Williams said he would also be writing to the coroner of the Sandilands inquest in response to her recent recommendations.
“The last meeting of the Duty Holders Group, in its current form, also provided a valuable platform to discuss the progress we have made on activities set out in the business plan and our plans for future research and development projects,” Mr Williams added.
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