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Training boost for database development

1 Mar 2021

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A project that aims to build a valuable resource for light rail health and safety professionals will take a major step forward in March with the resumption of critical software training.

A project that aims to build a valuable resource for light rail health and safety professionals will take a major step forward in March with the resumption of critical software training.

A series of workshops, that included an introduction to BowTie XP, were put on hold due to coronavirus but now the programme to build a comprehensive database of risk assessments is back on track.

Mark Ashmore, LRSSB Safety and Assurance Manager, explained: “By taking part in online workshops, colleagues from Edinburgh, Nottingham, Manchester, Blackpool and Sheffield were able to complete the first block of training before Christmas.

“However, further online sessions, planned for January, were postponed due to availability issues created by the latest lockdown. Since then the LRSSB has worked closely with the training provider to develop a new training timetable, broken down into shorter modules through March and April, that are more manageable for those taking part.

“This will enable remaining operators to receive the training they need to start populating the database that will provide a valuable tool for health and safety professionals across the sector.”

Funded by the LRSSB, the new database will produce a suit of global BowTie risk assessments with collective input drawn from existing network risk profiles and assessments covering all aspects of light rail operations.  The training will help to develop a standard process and common ‘language’ for data entry.

The BowTie risk assessment database is one of several projects currently being developed by the LRSSB that aim to build a central resource and comprehensive model of risk assessment, management and mitigation to facilitate and enhance the communication of best practice across the sector.

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